5.0 out of 5 stars Couldn't put it down

So refreshing to read a book that plays with your mind. I do have one question. When's the movie coming out? 


American Gods meets outlaw lit

When you start a new book, you always hope it will have enough depth and detail to suck you in. Hard Place delivers. There is familiarity but newness. The characters have intrigue that draw you into their unique mystical world and keep you captivated while they grapple with the juxtaposition of their seemingly regular lives. Rewarding read.

 Loved the book

It was gripping right from the start. It’s a refreshing read as the author narrates a raw and candid exciting narrative. It kept me at the edge of my seat. It’s a must read!

A thrilling read.

I loved reading this Novel by R A Jacobson, could not put it down. The illustrations were all fantastic and I found the plot was very thoughtful and had some strong connections to previous stories. It was nice that it all felt connected and I enjoyed the short chapters which were easy to read between meetings and other obligations.


It was nice seeing some of the characters from a single round appear in a hard place. Can’t get enough of the darkness of the judge and his sinister ways. I am excited to see more work from The author!!! Highly recommend


Nail bitting

A nail-biting hard place to be. If you are really ready to bite your nails off, then this is a book for you. If you like gruesome and horror behaviors of humanity, and are ready for your imagination to be taken to places you couldn't imagine, then by all means get this book. I can sum this book up in two words, WoW, Powerful.
